Showing posts with label Etc.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Etc.. Show all posts

Friday, May 20, 2011

Cabbie Bar Napkins

If you hop in a taxi and tell your driver your address is " 2319 eest samflugh  abernyou" chances are you are going to end up somewhere much less desirable than at home on your couch. The Dear Cabbie bar napkins are the perfect solution for nights that were just a little too fun. If bar owners passed these out with drinks at last call they might just have 1 less person passed out in the alley after bar close. Available in packs of 12 for $2.99, these napkins just might save someones life (or relationship)
Check it out here: Cabbie Bar Napkins

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Authentic Game Bat Bottle Openers

Maybe Sammy Sosa's corked bat is available
Fathers day is coming up soon and if there is 1 thing I know about dad's, its that they like baseball.  Give him a gift that has some history with an authentic MLB game used bat bottler opener swung by his favorite slugger. These hand made openers each come stamped with an individual hologram number that can be used to find out what game the bat was used in, the instructions are included in the gift box. Choose from any MLB team, $85-$105

Check it out here: Uncommon Goods

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Taste Explosion

Ignite your taste buds with the Taste Explosion Salt & Pepper shakers. These salt and pepper shakers complete your kitchen arsenal and invigorate your food with a BAM, Emeril style. For only $16 the Taste Explosion salt & pepper set is a surefire way to spice up your kitchen.

Buy Here: Yanko Design

Monday, May 16, 2011

Tiny KeyTool Multitool

Stealth multi-tool

Ordinary multi-tools such as the Leatherman and Swiss Army knife leave uncomfortable bulges in your pocket, and if you are like me your pockets are already full enough. Enter the KeyTool, the perfect tiny multi-tool for every day use. Fits neatly around a key on your keyring to take up minimum space.

The stainless steel KeyTool hides right on your keyring and is light and readily available for many everyday tasks. Featuring 8 different tools to get yourself out of every day jams for $10, this tool would make MacGuyver proud.
  • 3 Different size screwdrivers
  • Nail File
  • Fingernail Cleaner
  • Bottle Opener
  • Wire Cutter
  • Tweezers
Buy the KeyTool for $9.99 at Think Geek

Sunday, May 15, 2011

USB Typwriter

"A new and groundbreaking innovation in the field of obsolescence"

The USB Typewriter is the ultimate tool to bring out your Inner Twain in the twenty-first century. The classic feel of a typewriter can now be used as a keyboard on any computer with a USB port, including the iPad. The USB Typewriter is available for purchase as a custom made unit or as a DIY kit to convert an existing typewriter . The modification is very sleek and leaves the typewriter looking and functioning like the original, and it still writes perfectly on paper.

The typewriter conversion kit is $74.00 and includes the parts needed to assemble it yourself (requires some advanced electronics knowledge). If you would rather order a fully made unit, be prepared to shell out some money: assembled USB Typewriters start at around $700.

More information available here: USB Typewriter
Esty shop: Etsy