Thursday, May 19, 2011

Nine Millimeter Earbuds

Shooting audio straight to your brain
Still using the standard white earbuds that came with your iPod? Add some syle with these smoking hot earbuds. Introducing the SITi-G Nine millimeter earbuds from Munitio. Featuring 9mm speaker drivers and neodymium magnets, these earbuds offer explosive sound quality with a unique design. Munitio designed these earbuds for using innovative methods for maximum bass and sound clarity.

Although they look very sharp, these rare earbuds are selling for a staggering $160, making it extremely unlikely they make the jump from my wish list to shopping cart any time soon.
Check them out here: Munitio Store


  1. they look pretty nice but I wouldn't drop 160 on them, especially since I tend to lose things :X

  2. They look cool, but I don't think it will while wearing them.

  3. Check out my recent post. These are on the site for about $100.

    On sale for another 22 hours.

  5. @Damien I saw that post and it looks really awesome! I liked a lot of what I saw, and they had some really enticing deals. Anyway, I'm not looking to buy any headphones at this time, I just got some awesome Sennheisers not too long ago that I'm very satisfied with. I'm definitely going to check back on jack-threads often, they have a lot of stuff thats my style. Thanks for the heads up.

  6. I bet these produce a killer sound!
    They look nice and unique as well

  7. I would....kill for those!! ;P

  8. Now how about a gun shaped iPod?

  9. Wow they look beautiful but I wonder how much you're paying for the look rather than the sound. Personally I would rather have great sounding ones than good looking buds but perhaps these are both?

  10. DO WANT. The Prussian Eagle on the side is badass.
